Thursday, December 13, 2012

Moving prep - I

While many preliminary arrangements for the upcoming move had been made long ago, the main steps began today.

1) I took out the no dues form that has to be signed by a lot of functionaries.  One of the deans has signed and so has the computer center coordinator.  I hold some duties at N1, which require me to sign this form for people who leave.  There has been no announcement about who will replace me in these duties.  So, I might end up signing my own no dues form!

2) My PhD student is waiting for his release order.  There has been some confusion about his release date because as per CSIR rules, when a JRF transfers his/her fellowship, the date of joining the new place must not be more than a day after leaving the old place.  But, the train journey between these places takes more than a day.  The confusion was sorted out today.  I am very happy to see my student's excitement to move!

3) Grades for the three courses I taught this term will be submitted tomorrow.  In the online teaching plan for N1 next semester, I have been indicated as a course instructor.  Huh?

4) I transferred my gas connection to New1-city today.  This was much smoother than getting the gas connection two years ago.  I had planned to deposit a friend's empty cylinder and use mine till the day of move.  But, it did not work out because the regulator had to be deposited as well.  So, I am now without cooking facilities and have to get food from the campus canteen.  Good thing I gave up the morning tea/coffee habit long ago and replaced it with milk.  Wait, how do I boil the milk?


Anonymous said...

Wait, how do I boil the milk?

What!!!You don't know how to light fire with stones?

Relax, just let some aunties from neighborhood know about it and there is a chance that it will be taken care of.

Circe said...

" Grades for the three courses I taught this term will be submitted tomorrow."

I hope at least some of them were research/seminar courses: wouldn't designing assessment for three ug courses in a semester be a veritable nightmare?

Anonymous said...

Get an Induction Stove- extremely portable though not healthy. Good for use in transit.


Kaneenika Sinha said...

Anon at 1.14 am, there are no neighbourhood aunties where I live :)
There are a handful of colleagues and they have mostly taken off for vacation (and I am not sure if it is a good idea to sneak into their kitchens in their absence :) )
Anon @ 9.53 am, this is a good idea.

Anyhow, today morning, my domestic help showed up with a stove and managed to make all the meals and boil the milk. Sadly, right now, the house is smelling of kerosene oil!

Kaneenika Sinha said...

Circe, this semester was very close to being a nightmare :) I am so glad it is over.