Saturday, March 24, 2012

Connected and safe!

I have not been able to blog in the last few days.  This is not because of lack of time or lack of issues to blog about [1].  Mainly, it is because by the time I am done with my academic and administrative work nowadays, it is very late.  A few days ago, I had a scary experience while returning home at night - I encountered two snakes and a (possibly) drunk biker who kept tailgating me.  Since then, I have been very particular about returning home on time.

Given the very remote location of my house, internet at home was out of the question before!  However, thanks to the efforts and initiative of some of my colleagues who take care of the networking needs of the institute, those of us who live on campus now have access to the institute network at home.

Apart from the many benefits of having internet at home, I can now blog more frequently, in the safe environs of home.  I hope I can be more blog-productive now.

[1] For readers at N1,  ;-) 


Chitta said...

If N1 does not have it yet, you may consider pushing for the establishment of a "safety escort service" in N1. At my university such service is provided. See for details.

Kaneenika Sinha said...

Thanks Chitta. This is a very good suggestion. We also provide a similar service to our members, although we don't have a golf cart for that purpose. Guards either walk back with the students or accompany them on a bicycle. Our women students often use it when they are held back at their labs till late night and have to return, say, around mid night. As warden of one of the women's hostels, I often remind the girls that they should use it. But, I suppose I should myself practice what I preach!

TTE said...

I think the safest, most convenient and most permanent solution is to obtain a revolver. Sadly, the rules around this in India are draconian to say the least, but its not impossible. Change proceeds one citizen at a time: armed, proud and safe.