Monday, April 20, 2015

Meeting your past self

My last few posts about summer projects were light-hearted ones about the kind of applications one gets [1].  Sometimes, students also suggest interesting topics to work on (see footnote [2] of this post).

Before laughing at students, it makes sense to recall how one was at their stage.For example, when I was informed about my selection to the MTTS programme at Level O, I wrote to Prof. Kumaresan asking about the books I should bring for this programme.  [Those who know him and are familiar with MTTS will understand that this is the worst question one could ask him and I was, later, suitably reprimanded for my "perverse" thinking :-)].

When I first sent in my application toTIFR's VSRP, it was hand-written, I addressed Professor Balwant Singh (who was the Dean of School of Mathematics at that time) as Mr. Singh and said that I wanted to attend VSRP in order to get some "on-the-job" training in "high-level" Mathematics.  Prof. Singh, of course, let that pass! I did get in: and I honestly don't know what I would be doing now if I had not spent that summer (and two more summers later) there studying basic (not "high-level") algebra, analysis and point set topology under the watchful eye of many faculty members [2].

As one of the commenters to that post, TTE, points out:

``Ah! Starry eyed students :) how they annoy us now (or at least annoy me). Sometimes I wonder if they annoy me, not because they are naive, but because I am scared to meet my past self."

[1] I have got some addressing me as "sir", even "bhaiya"!

[2] But, my fondest memories are those of Professor Sridharan (the senior one) walking into the VSRP room and asking me questions about whatever I was studying at that time.

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