Sunday, July 12, 2015

In distinguished company

Today’s Sunday edition of Mint newspaper carries a profile of six young mathematicians by Dilip D’Souza (who writes a regular column, “A Matter of Numbers” for the Mint).  The Sunday Mint also carries an editorial by R. Sukumar on the slightly uneasy relation between journalism and Mathematics. 


  1. Congratulations! Great article. I happened to overlap with Nikhil Srivastava when he was also pursuing his Ph.D. at Yale. Very good to see him on the list too!

  2. Congratulations. I think it must feel lovely to be talked about in the main story of a magazine. :)

    Such articles should appear more often - they do really influence younger generation into pursuing pure sciences.

  3. Thank you Archie and @Ordinary Person. Indeed, it was a very well written article: it is not at all easy to explain the work of some of the people in it in simple language. All congratulations are due to Mint, which carried a story on Mathematics in one of their first few Sunday editions.

  4. I wonder why Gov don't put out video recording of such events. It would inform the general public of the initiatives taken by the gov. My request to you would be to pass on this suggestion to our Prime Minister.
